- Reduces waiting time by providers to reach specialists. Providers and staff will not need to waste valuable time looking up and/or dialing the number for a specialist. With a simple click, a specialist can be reached. SynziMD’s intelligent call routing allows staff to reach the next-available specialist, if needed.
- Improves response time by specialists. Needed specialists can use any device, anywhere and at any time to provide an immediate consult via video. With SynziMD, specialists can also communicate via secure messaging to protect ePHI.
- Reduces wait time for patients. Providers and specialists can provide timely answers – whenever and wherever – helping patients (and their family caregivers) receive answers in emerging situations as well afterhours. SynziMD helps providers quickly respond to patients if their condition changes.
- Decreases travel time and costs. Specialists can care for more patients via telehealth vs. having to expend “windshield time” to physically reach patients for an in-person consult. Patients (and their family caregivers) can better participate in follow-up care appointments, especially if they have challenges securing reliable and affordable transportation. With SynziMD, the geographic barriers can be easily addressed.
- Boosts access to interpreters. Many organizations struggle to staff practices or additional locations with medical interpreters, due in large part to high costs and a lack of available personnel. SynziMD’s integrated telehealth platform enable providers to quickly access our medically trained interpreters via video.
- Optimizes staff utilization. Staff shortages can be addressed by using SynziMD’s dashboards and report to determine how and when to best staff healthcare professionals around patient needs for in-person vs. virtual visits.
- Increases access to behavioral/mental health staff. Organizations and facilities struggle with staffing behavioral and mental health resources on-hand, all the time. SynziMD enables in-demand specialists to leverage remote specialists to care for patients, around-the-clock.
- Requires zero/minimal down-time for training. The ideal telehealth platform should be intuitive and user-friendly. SynziMD’s technology is designed to be easy to use and not require extensive training.
- Enhances the work/life balance. By expanding one’s footprint beyond the traditional in-person setting, a practice can meet patients’ desire for greater convenience to care while enhancing the providers’ quality of life with the ability to deliver care from the setting of their choice.
- Grows your practice. With SynziMD, a medical practice can gain an additional revenue stream by conducting virtual visits and using patient-centric communications to engage existing and new patients beyond the four walls of an office.