Raising Awareness of Key Immunizations
August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). This annual observance highlights the efforts of healthcare professionals to protect patients of all ages against vaccine-preventable diseases through on-time vaccination.
During NIAM, healthcare professionals are encouraged to ensure their patients are up to date on recommended vaccines. As the CDC highlights, trust in vaccines is not built through a top-down approach, but through millions of conversations between parents, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and community members.
Healthcare professionals can use NIAM as an opportunity to conduct vaccine conversations with parents and patients – helping them understand they have the power to protect themselves and their family against serious diseases and conditions as well as the seasonal flu with on-time vaccination. Adults with chronic conditions may also be at increased risk for complications from certain vaccine-preventable diseases. Based on one’s age, health conditions, vaccines received as a child, and other factors, a patient may also need additional vaccines.
How Virtual Care Can Encourage Key Immunizations
Home health agencies play a key role in educating patients about the importance of vaccination. An agency can provide immunization reminders, refer patients to vaccine providers, and follow-up with patients to ensure vaccination.
Home health agencies can use Synzi’s broadcast messaging tool to provide timely patient education about the importance of vaccines for one’s health. The automated functionality helps post-acute care organizations easily launch immunization reminders and follow-up with patients to ensure vaccination:
- Initial messaging can highlight the need for a certain vaccination and the recommended timing.
- Follow-up check-ins (whether conducted via video, messaging, or assessments), can determine if/when a patient has received the recommended vaccination.
- Additional messages can be programmed and sent out to remind the patient about the important role of a specific vaccination.
- Messaging can be translated into the patient’s primary or preferred language to ensure understanding amongst all patients.
Engaging communications about needed immunizations will help patients address potentially avoidable health issues complications. Synzi’s HIPAA-compliant messaging and video helps agencies communicate a consistent and timely message with patients about the importance of vaccines for their health. With a virtual care platform, agencies can ensure that their patients remain up to date on recommended vaccines.